Susan 11th January 2012

Morning my angel well another day at kays ,she is a lazy mare micky .... are you laughing lol yes you know her to well dont you babe you used to call her lagy fing lol sorry i did not get on last night i was so yired but i never stop thinking about you all i am now listening to he an't heavy he's my brother i miss you so much micky and derek mam and dad i know you always loved kissing dek so will you give him one big kiss from me ;) tell him tubby loves and misses him so much .I wish they would hurry up with your head stone you will love it ,it is going to be next to mam and dad and i got them to put a angel on it because you are my angel babe always was always will be .Ok i have to go now as margy is already at kays so i will be back later hope you are playing happy up there and come visit me and margaret even if it just tipping paint over lol x love you all x